Prince Harry 'raising eyebrows' with 'surprise' delay in 'heartfelt' memoir

Prince Harry tell-all book is set to release a heartfelt account of his life

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Prince Harry raising eyebrows with surprise delay in heartfelt memoir
Prince Harry 'raising eyebrows' with 'surprise' delay in 'heartfelt' memoir

Prince Harry's tell-all book might have been delayed, claims an insider.

The Duke of Sussex, who is all set to release his memoir this year, has kept mum over the 'heartfelt' book.

The book is set to give a detailed account of Prince Harry and his relationship with the royal family, life with wife Meghan Markle and Megxit. 

A royal insider said in The Sun: “If this book’s coming out this year as originally planned it should be in the publisher’s marketing and promotional list — unless they’re planning a surprise or there’s been a delay.

“Its omission has raised lots of eyebrows in royal circles," adds the source.

A spokeswoman for Transworld, part of Penguin Random House, said: “We don’t put every book on the list so there is nothing to be extrapolated from that.”

Harry has been working on the book alongside ghostwriter JR Moehringer since 2020.