Robert Downey Jr is a ‘saviour of Armie Hammer: Here’s why

Source reveals Robert Downey Jr has helped his fellow actor Armie Hammer during tough time

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Robert Downey Jr is a ‘saviour of Armie Hammer: Here’s why
Robert Downey Jr is a ‘saviour of Armie Hammer: Here’s why

Robert Downey Jr has reportedly been helping Armie Hammer through his dark times.

According to Vanity Fair, the Call Me By Your Name actor was accused of sexual assault by several women on social media. Armie, however, rejected all the allegations and hence no charges were filed.

Following this controversy, Armie was dropped from several movie projects including a rom-com with Jennifer Lopez. His wife also announced separation in 2020.

A source close to Armie claimed that the Iron Man star “supported the actor throughout crisis and even paid for him to spend almost six months at The Guest House rehab facility in Florida last year”.

Moreover, the source told outlet that The Lone Ranger star has been “staying at one of Robert’s houses whenever he is in LA”.

Adding to this, the source revealed that the Avengers’ actor “has also been providing financial assistance to his fellow actor till the time he gets back on his feet”.