Prince Harry 'imprisoned' in 'pleasure palace' of Montecito: 'Perfect fit' for Mandela

Prince Harry mocked over his credibility to speak about Nelson Mandela

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Prince Harry imprisoned in pleasure palace of Montecito: Perfect fit for Mandela
Prince Harry 'imprisoned' in 'pleasure palace' of Montecito: 'Perfect fit' for Mandela 

Prince Harry has come in trouble for his UN speech on Nelson Mandela Day.

While many listeners challenged the Duke of Sussex's credibility to speak at the General Assembly session, a Sunday Times columnist jumped the bandwagon to mock Harry over 'hard time' with the royal family.

Aspasia Karras said: "This charming chap embodies, almost perfectly, everything Mandela stood for.

"Just like Mandela, he's been through a lot.

"As told to Oprah in his cri du coeur interview, his family and the British press have been giving him and his lovely wife Meghan such a hard time.

"All they wanted was to represent. And bring some fast-paced LA management style to the fuddy-duddy palace.

"What do they get for trying to do their thing for world peace and glad-hand all over the place as lovely representatives of the B list? Backlast, that's what!

"And you know what? They just had to leave. It was too much to bear."

Ms Karras added: "Plus he's in exile. Just like Madiba.

"No, sorry, of course, he was imprisoned for 27 years on Robben Island. Same, same-ish.

"Harry is imprisoned in his gilded pleasure palace in Montecito with a podcast schedule and documentary team following him around."

Finishing the comment piece, Ms Karras said: "So yes, I think Harry is a perfect fit, what with the UN being such a very effective organization for world peace.

"I'm really pleased he can grab hold of the global spotlight on such an important day, when we remember the sacrifices Mandela made for all of us and our rights. OK?

"But especially for Harry's right to a security entourage. That will show them"