Meghan Markle's Rwanda visit: Royal expert claims Duchess 'disappeared' with photographer

Royal expert claims Meghan flew first-class to Rwanda with a personal hair and makeup artist in tow

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Meghan Markles Rwanda visit: Royal expert claims Duchess disappeared with photographer

A royal expert has claimed the Prince Harry's sweetheart Meghan Markle brought a "suitcase of outfits" on a trip to Rwanda in 2016 and "disappeared" with a photographer.

The former Suits star visited Rwanda to film an advert for World Vision Canada. The charity was working to promote well-building in the central-eastern African country.

Tom Bower, in his new biography, claimed the Duchess flew first-class to Rwanda with a personal hair and makeup artist in tow, as well as fashion photographer Gabor Jurina.

Writing in “Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the War between the Windsors”, He describes how the producer who was scheduled to travel on the trip, Brenda Surminski, was unable to join the group.

When Ms Surminski could not travel to Rwanda, she was replaced by a Canadian cameraman. The author claimed the Duchess of Sussex “disappeared” with Mr Jurina for a photoshoot with a number of children after filming them at a water tap.

He: “At the end, Surminski was puzzled.

The expert went on to write: “For hours, Jurina photographed the perfectly coiffuered actress hugging, squeezing and smiling at village children.”

Bower claimed Surminski spent just “30 minutes” speaking to Meghan before the Duchess agreed to a collaboration project.

World Vision described the trip on its website as Meghan having “helped bring hope to communities”. 

The charity continued: “The Duchess of Sussex visited a school in Rwanda soon after becoming a World Vision ambassador in 2016. Meghan helped bring clean water to a community, thanks to the donations of ordinary people worldwide. She was inspired by how this empowered women and girls within the community.”