Prince William helps Princess Charlotte be 'dominating': 'Pride on his face'

Prince William and Princess Charlotte playful bond disclosed by body language expert

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Prince William helps Princess Charlotte be dominating: Pride in his eyes
Prince William helps Princess Charlotte be 'dominating': 'Pride in his eyes' 

Prince William is giving room to daughter Princess Charlotte to be more assertive, notes body language expert. 

The seven-year-old who attended Commonwealth Games with parents William and Kate Middleton in Birmingham, was seen in her element with her 'playful' conduct.

Expert Judi James, however, notices William helps his daughter embrace her dominating personality.

"William’s body language as he talks about his daughter is bashful, self-effacing, playful and, of course, besotted.

"He keeps his head down and raises one hand as though allowing or acknowledging a sense of dominance from Charlotte.

"This is of course a joke, but which hints at her growing confidence that we saw at the Jubilee celebrations where she was busy correcting her brothers and even checking out Camilla’s handbag.

"William is clearly allowing for the fact that his daughter is growing up and learning to be assertive and we can see the pride on his face along with the more playful expression."

James continued: "William and Harry share this trait of ongoing, very open affection for their children which, although it is common among all dads, might be more unusual with royals.

"Royals will often prefer to be more private about their emotions as parents. It seems to have been taken from Diana’s example of parenting.

"Harry clearly idolises his two children, referring to them at every opportunity. Both brothers seem to have been transformed in some ways by their roles as fathers, keen to discuss the legacy they will be leaving their children."