William, Kate fumed for costly home as Britain faces 'major living crisis'

Prince William and Kate Middleton called out for their big spending on new cottage

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Prince William and Kate Middleton are allegedly rubbing off Britons the wrong way after their extravagant expenses on new home.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who are moving out of Kensington Palace in the coming days, are going to stay closer to the Queen in Windsor at Adelaide Cottage.

Amid refurbishing their new abode, the couple is called out by Meghan Markle pal Omid Scobie for consuming tax-payer money.

Mr Scobie wrote for Yahoo: “It’s a decision that has raised a few eyebrows, particularly at a time when the country is dealing with a major cost of living crisis.

“Picking up a third home, especially when one of them costs the public so much to renovate, is hardly the norm for regular folk.”

Mr Scobie continued: “Still, Adelaide Cottage comes at no expense to anyone but the couple, I’m told.

“Rather than buy, the couple have chosen to privately rent.

“Any desired cosmetic work or refurbishments will be paid from their own pockets.

“It remains to be seen how the Duke and Duchess will travel to and from London—their love for helicopter trips, which the British press prefer to turn a blind eye to, are not just an unfair cost to the public but also go completely against William’s environmental concerns.”