Meghan Markle accused of parrying Serena Williams question about Archie

Meghan Markle accused of parrying Serena Williams question about Archie

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Meghan Markle accused of parrying Serena Williams question about Archie

In the first episode of her Spotify podcast, Meghan Markle revealed that her son Archie narrowly escaped a fire in his bedroom.

The Duchess of Sussex told tennis star Serena Williams that Archie was supposed to be sleeping in the bedroom at the time of the incident during their tour of South Africa in 2019.

Giving the reason behind the incident, Meghan said that a heater in Archie's nursery caught fire while his then nanny had taken Archie with her downstairs to get a snack.

“In that amount of time that she went downstairs, the heater in the nursery caught on fire," she said.

Meghan has drawn criticism for sharing the story on her podcast.

A royal commentator observed that Meghan parried the question when Williams asked her "Why didn't you take him with you".

The commentator known popularly as According2Taiz, wrote, "Did anyone notice when Meghan told Serena the dramatic fire in the nursery story, when she was forced to go to the next engagement, Serena asks her on the podcast ‘Why didn’t you take him with you?' and Meghan completely ignores her! Radio silence, then starts talking about optics."