Michael Jackson 'responsible' for his death, had 19 fake IDs for drugs

Michael Jackson death was caused by negligence of multiple doctors

Web Desk

Michael Jackson passed away in June 2009 after a severe cardiac arrest.

The legendary singer was found dead at his home in Los Angeles due to an overdose of drug anesthetic propofol.

While Jackson died of drugs, it is revealed Jackson was talking alarming doses of drugs during his lifetime, provided to him by an multiple doctors.  

As per documentary TMZ Investigates: Who Really Killed Michael Jackson, it has been revealed: “Circumstances had been leading up to his death for years, and all of these different medical professionals had allowed Michael to dictate his own terms, get the medicines he wanted, when he wanted them, where he wanted them,” Martinez maintains. “All of them are the reason why he’s dead today.”

It is also reported that the singer had 19 fake IDs to get his hands on the drugs her desired.

“The way that Michael went about getting all these drugs was doctor shopping. He had multiple, different doctors that he was involved with and he would go to ‘Doctor A’ and ask for a sedative, and then he would go to ‘Doctor B’ and may ask for the same one,” Jackson’s plastic surgeon, Dr. Harry Glassman, claims. 

“Michael is responsible, to a great extent, for his own demise, but he certainly had a lot of help from the medical community," he adds.