Princess Diana’s partner Dodi Fayed’s UK apartment left untouched after his death

Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed met after the latter's father invited her to spend a holiday on his yacht in the south of France

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Princess Diana’s partner Dodi Fayed’s UK apartment left untouched after his death
Princess Diana’s partner Dodi Fayed’s UK apartment left untouched after his death

Twenty-five years after her tragic death, Princess Diana remains a topic that truly captivated the public.

The Princess of Wales wasn’t the only person who died in the terrible car crash in Paris back in 1997. Her driver, Henri Paul, was also killed along with Diana’s boyfriend at the time Dodi Fayed.

Decades after his tragic demise, it has been reported that Fayed’s apartment in London has been left untouched and in the exact same condition as it was at the time of his death twenty-five years ago.

According to reports, after Fayed’s death, his father Egyptian billionaire Mohammed Al-Fayed refused to sell his son’s apartment on Park Lane in London.

He also wanted it to stay just as Fayed had left it the last time. The flat has ‘remained untouched for two more than two decades now,’ sources revealed.

A close friend of Al-Fayed’s told Express that “A cleaner regular cleans up the flat, but everything must be left exactly how it was when Dodi was living there.”

Inside Fayed’s belongings remain including a wall of VHS tapes and a portrait of Princess Diana on the wall.

On August 31, 1997, Diana and Fayed were involved in a high-speed, fatal car accident that occurred Place de l’Alma underpass.