DALL-E: AI artist that reimagines old paintings and other images

With a new tool, DALL-E imagines beyond what is visible in a certain painting and thinks about what happens outside the frame

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DALL-E 2’s new “outpainting” feature used to expand the a famous work of art.— Twitter/@mgsiegler
DALL-E 2’s new “outpainting” feature used to expand the a famous work of art.— Twitter/@mgsiegler

  • AI artist can reimagine background settings of image.
  • OpenAI has developed tool called "Outpainting"
  • DALL-E is used by over a million people.

An AI artist can now imagine the background settings of famous old paintings.

A company based in San Francisco that goes by the name of OpenAI has developed a tool called "Outpainting", it announced in a blog post.

The tool, which had been added to the company's text-to-image AI system, DALL-E, lets the system imagine beyond what is visible in a certain painting and think about what happens outside the frame.

With Outpainting, users can see famous paintings like the Mona Lisa and Girl with The Pearl Earring in a different light.

Not only paintings, any image can be used to envision out of the box like covers of famous music albums or company logos.

All users have to do is narrate the extended visuals in text form to DALL-E after which it uses its algorithm to "paint" them.

According to OpenAI, the tool will help professionals "tell a bigger story" and expand their creativity.

In the blog post, the firm said that the tool "takes into account the image's existing visual elements – including shadows, reflections, and textures".

MailOnline reported that an artist used the tool to reimagine "Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Johannes Vermeer.

Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer.—Britannica.com
 "Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Johannes Vermeer.—Britannica.com

The original painting features a dark, blank background behind the girl whereas Outpainting created a realistic domestic background with fruits, houseplants, and more.

Outpainting imagination of Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer.—DALL-E/August Camp
 Outpainting imagination of "Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Johannes Vermeer.—DALL-E/August Camp

Other attempts show Mona Lisa with a UFO in the background and gambling animals in A Friend In Need by the artificially intelligent artist.

OpenAI reported that DALL-E is used by over a million people. The Verge said that it is used via a beta program by any which allows users some free image generations.