Queen Elizabeth’s relationship with Princess Diana: ‘She's evil!'

Fans react to the take of Princess Diana fans, following the news of Queen Elizabeth’s death announcement

Web Desk

Fans across social media have taken Queen Elizabeth’s death announcement into comparisons with Princess Diana, and have even commented on their relationship, earthside.

While some paid tribute and showcased their sorrow, fans of the former Princess of Wales, Diana turned to Twitter to reference some earlier conversations between the monarch and her, then, daughter-in-law.

One began by pointing out, “Y'all keep saying when Princess Diana see the Queen, they not in the same place baby. Put that down.”

“that evil [expletive] is playing flaming double dutch with Satan right now, she's HANDLED. he been WAITING for her.” (sic)

Others pointed towards her ‘aversion’ to Princess Diana’s work with AIDS relief and referenced her speech, saying, “During the 1980s, the queen tried to stop Princess Diana's work in HIV advocacy, telling her to do something ‘more pleasant.’”

“But Diana ignored her, instead using her platform to tackle stigma and offer comfort to terrified people sick with what was then a terminal illness.”

Queen Elizabeth’s relationship with Princess Diana: ‘Shes evil!

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