King Charles’ swollen fingers spark health concerns after Queen's death

King Charles’ red and swollen fingers cause widespread panic and concern after Queen Elizabeth’s death

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King Charles sparks waves of concern over his red and swollen fingers after Queen Elizabeth’s death.

A senior Lecturer at the University of Chester issued this shocking insight into Prince Charles’ health.

He began by telling the Daily Star that, even though “loads of conditions” could lead to King Charles’ swollen fingers, there are ‘even more’ that have not yet been brought up.

While talking to the publication, Dr Nye was quoted saying, “Oedema is a condition where the body starts to retain fluids in the limbs, normally the legs and ankles but also in the fingers which causes them to swell.”

“Oedema is a common condition and mostly affects people over the age of 65 as the ability for fluid control is restricted.”

“To see if this is the cause, pressing the swollen area for about 15 seconds would cause a depression in the area .”

“Arthritis- another common condition in the over 60s. It often affects three main areas in the hand - the thumb joint or either joints in the fingers.”

“Fingers usually become stiff, painful and swollen and although medication can help with the pain, the swelling can remain.”

“Uncommon causes may include high salt diet leading to fluid retention, certain medications can rarely lead to swelling as a side effect such as with blood pressure medications or steroid medications.”

Before concluding he also added, “There certainly aren't any immediate health concerns to be concluded from swollen fingers and is most likely a sign of his age.”