Camilla greets crowd at Buckingham Palace following King Charles' accession to the throne

Camilla thrills royal fans as she greets crowd at Buckingham Palace

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Camilla greets crowd at Buckingham Palace following King Charles accession to the throne

Camilla, Queen Consort, has greeted hundreds of adoring fans outside of Buckingham Palace, following her husband's proclamation to the throne.

Camilla, who has been retitled Queen Consort following Charles' accession to the throne, was greeted by cheers from the crowds on the Pall Mall.

Charles' proclamation, which took place at the palace on Saturday morning, was attended by 200 privy counsellors, including the new Prime Minister Liz Truss, who swore in the new King, following his beloved mother's death on Thursday.

Three cheers for the new King were carried out following the proclamation. 

Former UK Prime Ministers, including Tony Blair, David Cameron, and Boris Johnson, also arrived at St James's Palace for the proclamation. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is also on the council. UK commons leader Penny Mordaunt and MP Dominic Raab also arrived at St James's Palace to attend the Accession Council on Saturday morning.

Charles, the longest-serving heir to the throne in British history, is now King. His apprenticeship as heir, lasting 70 years, has made him the best-prepared and oldest new monarch ever to take to the throne.

He was there throughout his mother's long reign, witnessing generations of world leaders come and go, including 15 UK prime ministers and 14 US presidents.