Meghan Markle branded ‘havoc behind the scenes’ over ‘PR stunt’

Meghan Markle accused of hindering Queen Elizabeth’s funeral plans by ‘creating havoc behind the scenes’

Web Desk

Meghan Markle has been branded a ‘PR disaster’ that has been ‘creating havoc behind the scenes for the Firm.

Royal commentator Neil Sean issued this warning on his YouTube channel.

Mr Sean began by admitting, “What's interesting here though is that not one national newspaper over here put Harry and Meghan on the front pages.”

“And this has created, well, havoc behind the scenes,” he further went on to allege.

“They thought that their return, particularly on a week where we're picking a brand new British Prime Minister would have ensured that they were all cleared to make sure that their return was going to be the number one topic.”

“Now, a lot of people are saying: 'They are popular, you know.' Yes, they are. There's no denying it. It's a bit like a sort of soap opera, isn't it? People can't stop watching.”

Before concluiding he also pointed towards the cost-of-living issues and admitted, “And the multi-line is they're not carrying that as the lede story because they know the readers have moved on. We've got bigger problems, you know.”