Tessa Dunlop on King Charles: 'You can’t teach an old dog new tricks'

King Charles 'got challenging brother, he’s got a challenging son', says historian and tv presenter

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Tessa Dunlop on King Charles: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks

Dr Tessa Dunlop, historian and Tv presenter, shared her opinion on Britain's new monarch King Charles, saying he has got a “rocky old road” as King.

"He’s not a young man, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, God bless his soul," she told Sky News.

Tessa Dunlop went on saying: "And he’s got a challenging brother, he’s got a challenging son, he’s got a few challenging charitable habits where he collects money in bags and stuff, none of this has been talked about – it’s really convenient, but it’s all going to … bubble away.”

King Charles' coronation date has not been announced yet. However, it is likely the event will take place at some point in 2023. The Queen succeeded her father King George VI on February 6, 1952, but her coronation was not held until 16 months later.