Jon Hamm was indicted for fraternity hazing in college, court documents reveal

Jon Hamm has been to rehab to seek therapy

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Jon Hamm was indicted for fraternity hazing in college, court documents reveal
Jon Hamm was indicted for fraternity hazing in college, court documents reveal

Mad Men actor Jon Hamm was not proud of the things he did back in college, as per media reports.

The actor who portrays Don Draper on the hit AMC series was nabbed by the authorities for his alleged involvement in a fraternity hazing that turned violent.

The 51-year-old was part of the Sigma Nu chapter that later disbanded after the incident as Hamm and other allegedly involved members entered plea deals.

The Top-Gun Maverick actor received probation for his role in the hazing, and the lawsuit was later dismissed.

According to Star Magazine which cites court documents Hamm was involved in an incident where members "hooked the claw of a hammer underneath his [Sanders] genitals and led him by the hammer around the room."

The actor then was involved in setting Sanders' pants on fire and "and would not let [the pledge] extinguish the flame with his hand but made [him] blow it out," according to court documents obtained by Star. Hamm then allegedly broke into the house of another pledge and brought him back to the Sigma Nu house to engage in "similar hazing activity."

Earlier in 2018, the Emmy-winner actor was asked about the incident; he told Esquire, "It was a bummer of a thing that happened."

The actor continued, "My father ended up dying in the middle of all of this, and I had to rally my own mental health and become a better person because of it."