King Charles to be crowned on wrong Stone of Destiny?

King Charles III’s coronation has been slated for next year

Web Desk

King Charles III’s coronation has been slated for next year but the new monarch could be crowned on the wrong Stone of Destiny.

David Low, who owns a pub in The Arlington in Glasgow, claimed that he ‘believes’ the stone is not the ‘real one’.

Low’s remarks came a week after the death of Ian Hamilton, who led a gang of four to steal the stone of Westminster Abbey in 1950.

The pub owner claimed that a replica of the stone was dumped at Arbroath Abbey while the real one is at The Arlington.

The 64-year-old said: “We believe that we have the real one. However, now Ian Hamilton is dead, no one can say for certain. It will remain a mystery for another 1000 years.”

“One of the ­reasons I bought the pub last year was because of that fantastic history. All four students who stole the stone from ­Westminster Abbey were Arlington regulars at the time,” he continued.

“It has always been rumoured that the stone left at Arbroath Abbey was not the stone that was stolen from Westminster Abbey. In other words, they returned a replica and the stolen ­version is in The Arlington.”