Palace aide told off Sarah Ferguson as she was ‘on the way out’

Palace aides reportedly told off Sarah Ferguson following her separation from Prince Andrew

Web Desk

Palace aides reportedly told off Sarah Ferguson – the Duchess of York, as she was on her ‘way out’ of the royal residence following separation from Prince Andrew.

According to royal author Valentine Low: “Fergie did have a dressing down but she was on the way out by then. She was already separated from Andrew so they felt quite confident about that."

Valentine was spilling the beans about the royal family during his conversation with Palace Confidential.

"It's very interesting the levels of formality and informality,” he recalled.

"In Charles' household when he was Prince of Wales, first thing in the morning it was 'your royal highness and sir after that' and last thing at night was 'your royal highness'.

"With William, there's nothing like that and his closest advisers are on first-name terms,” he added.

The author’s remarks came after it was reported that Princess Beatrice and Eugenie had to cut their holidays short due to Queen’s anger.