Princess Diana took her lovers through 'secret passage' discovered by Princess Margaret

Princess Diana and Princess Margaret has secret room in Kensington Palace

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Princess Diana and Queen's sister, Princess Margaret, sneaked in their boyfriends at Kensington Palace, says expert.

During the early days of her marriage to King Charles, Diana and Margot bonded well.

“I’ve always adored Margo [Princess Margaret]. I love her to bits, and she has been wonderful to me from day one,” Diana told her biographer Andrew Morton. 

However, their bond broke down when Diana decided to expose the royal family and King Charles in her Panorama interview with BBC.

Speaking on Kinsey Schofield’s To Di For Daily podcast this week, Mr Russell said: “From the day and moment the Panorama interview went live, Margaret actually stopped referring to her [Diana] for a long time even by her name. She just referred to her as the girl my nephew married.”

For the longest time, Diana and Margaret were neighbours at Kensington Palace and had used the same passage to bring in their lovers.

Ms Schofield claimed: “I remember reading that Margaret had this great driveway or entrance space [at Kensington Palace] where you could go unseen, where nobody would see you and so that's the pathway Princess Diana would take her lovers.

“But Margaret was always watching so, while Diana thought she was being super sneaky and getting people through the door, and nobody was going to know about whoever it was, Princess Margaret was peering through the window like: ‘I can see you’.”  

Princess Diana passed away a year after her divorce to King Charles in 1996.