King Charles snubbed as Princess Beatrice rules herself out of key role

Princess Beatrice has seemingly snubbed King Charles III

Web Desk


Princess Beatrice has seemingly snubbed King Charles III as she ruled herself out of a key role despite her not being a regular working royal.

Following Charles’ ascension to the throne, Queen Camilla, Princess Beatrice, Prince William, Prince Harry and Prince Andrew became the five Counsellors of State.

Daily Express Royal Correspondent Richard Palmer said that ‘it’s a bit weird’ that Beatrice has been given the role.

“We now have a new top five in line for the throne. We have a wife of the monarch, Queen Camilla, who is eligible to be Counsellor of State,” he said.

“And you also have William, Harry, Andrew and Beatrice - but those last three, none of them undertake sufficient duties to take the role.

"I mean, Beatrice, when she was still a student, said she didn't want a life of ribbon-cutting, she wanted to have a career,” he added.

Richard added: “You can't have a new law without royal assent. Cabinet appointments have to be approved by the monarch, or someone standing in for them. So it is a bit weird."