Kate Middleton, Prince William introduce new model of monarchy

Prince William and Kate Middleton praised for their new initiative to support local communities and needy people

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Prince William and Kate Middleton seem determined to leave the classic mould of royal engagement behind to help local communities.

The much-loved royal couple gave a new way of working in order to create change in the areas they visit, combining ribbon cutting with generating cash for the needy people.

The Prince and Princess of Wales piloted the new model, called a Community Impact Day, in North Yorks on Thursday.

The parents-of-three announced during the visit that £345,000 had been raised through a collaboration between their Royal Foundation and the local Two Ridings Community Foundation.

The money, donated by local individuals and organisations, will be used to galvanise long-term support for young people’s mental health in the town. It will be distributed by a grant panel tasked with deciding where it is most needed.

Kate Middleton and William's initiative is widely being appreciated by royal fans, with one tweeted: "They raised £20 million and are giving that money away to worthy causes."

Another wrote: "Good on them! But the idea of the traditional royal engagement model of just cutting ribbons is way outdated."

Amanda Berry, CEO of the Royal Foundation said: “The Royal Foundation is therefore delighted that by working with Two Ridings Community Foundation, we have played a pivotal role in galvanising funding to support the organisations doing this vital work in the community, creating a long-lasting impact for young people in Scarborough.”

Jan Garrill, chief executive of two Ridings Community Foundation added: “These funds are just the start, and we hope others show the same leadership and compassion and invest in this work,”