Michelle Obama shares two cents on ‘fearful mind’

Michelle Obama discusses fear in her new book ahead of its release

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Michelle Obama shares two cents on ‘fearful mind’
Michelle Obama shares two cents on ‘fearful mind’

Michelle Obama has recently talked about “fearful mind” in her upcoming book The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times.

“It's in the chapter that’s called Decoding Fear because that monster that I'm talking about is my fearful mind,” said the 58-year-old in a new interview with ABC News via E! News.

The former First Lady pointed out that fear has “two sides”.

“Fear, as I explore, is an important tool. It’s an important emotion because when used properly, it keeps us safe. It raises a warning bell that says, 'Don't go. Don't do that. Don't,’” explained the Becoming author.

Michelle continued, “But the other side of fear, if we don't really understand it, is that fear can keep us stuck. And it’s that fearful mind of getting stuck and not being able to move outside of your comfort zone that I refer to as that I have to fight back against that.”

“It's practice. It is every-day practice to silence the ‘no' in your own head, the thing that is telling you 'Don't try that new thing,” noted the wife of Barack Obama in the preview clip.

Michelle noted, “Don't risk that thing. Don’t meet that new person. Don’t try to understand someone who is like you.”

“All of that is grounded in our fearful mind mistaking what could be protection as just, 'I don't want new. And so, I too have had to learn to wrestle that fearful mind down,” she added.

Meanwhile, Michelle’s new book is going to release on November 15.