Prince Harry 'lights OCD' taken after King drives Meghan Markle 'insane'

Prince Harry talks about how he has got OCD from King Charles

Web Desk

Prince Harry admits he has learned an unusual habit from his father, King Charles III.

Speaking about his Papa in a documentary four years ago, Harry spilled the beans on his OCD about lights that irks wife Meghan Markle.

"He's a stickler for turning lights off.

"And that's now something that I'm obsessed with as well, which is insane because actually, my wife goes 'Well, why turn the lights off? You know it's dark'.

"I go 'we only need one light, we don't need like six', and all of a sudden, it becomes a habit and those small habit changes he's making, every single person can do. And I think that's one of the key lessons certainly that I felt that he taught us."

Elder brother Prince William, too, agreed in the documentary: "I know I've got serious OCD on light switches now which is terrible."