Morgan Freeman receives flak over hosting World Cup opening ceremony in Qatar

Morgan Freeman was slammed on the internet for agreeing to perform at World Cup ceremony in Qatar

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Morgan Freeman receives flak over hosting World Cup opening ceremony in Qatar
Morgan Freeman receives flak over hosting World Cup opening ceremony in Qatar

The 2022 FIFA World Cup just started in Qatar and the opening ceremony has already sparked debate online as Morgan Freeman made a surprise appearance at the event.

The Hollywood actor has received intense criticism as many of his fans and football lovers questioned his presence at the event amid concerns over the country’s human rights record, LGBT+ rights and social restrictions.

The ceremony featured a monologue from Morgan, where he said, “I heard something beautiful. Not just music, but also this celebration. This is all so new. All that I had known before was a land that seemed to be in turmoil. I stand here in your midst.”

While some fans were thrilled to see Morgan at the event, others criticized him for attending the tournament opening ceremony.

“Morgan Freeman. Just why? Why would you take the money... Already have more than you can spend... Just damages his legacy,” wrote one internet user.

While another reminded him that he once played anti-apartheid activist and champion of equality Nelson Mandela and yet agreed to associate himself with an event hosted in a nation where homosexuality remains a crime.

“For a man who played Nelson Mandela... it is so disappointing to see #MorganFreeman take the money and support an oppressive regime,' shared one commentator wrote on Twitter.

“Morgan Freeman should be ashamed. How much they pay you? How much is your integrity? Never rise your voice to talk about of minorities. You just lost that privilege,” said another.