Ireland Baldwin reacts to Johnny Depp daughter Lily-Rose nepotism remarks

Ireland Baldwin weighs in on Johnny Depp daughter Lily-Rose Depp comments on nepotism

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Ireland Baldwin reacts to Johnny Depp daughter Lily-Rose nepotism remarks
Ireland Baldwin reacts to Johnny Depp daughter Lily-Rose nepotism remarks

Ireland Baldwin weighed in on Johnny Depp’s daughter Lily Depp Rose's remarks regarding nepotism for which she received harsh criticism.

In a conversation with Elle, the Voyagers actor said that "the internet cares a lot more about who your family is than the people who are casting you in things."

"First of all, I think that Lily-Rose Depp is beautiful," Alec Baldwin’s daughter said in a TikTok video. "I think that she is very capable of being a model and she's proven herself in a lot of ways."

Looking back at her own career in the modeling world, Ireland said that representatives from agencies were "not there to see me…they're just in awe of my mother's presence."

"In anything that I pursue and anything that I do in my life, people are always going to say I have what I have because of my parents, which is true," she added in a follow-up reel.

"I wouldn't be where I am, I wouldn't have gotten where I am and been able to do what I can do if it weren't for my parents, and I think really where you go wrong is denying that."

"You can continue to work hard and be your own person," Ireland said, "and either you're talented, either you're capable or you're not."

Ireland went on to add that she can understand what Lily-Rose wanted to say, adding, "I do think you get a place where you get really tired of answering questions about your parents because you so desperately want to be someone separate from all of that."

"Especially when you choose a career that is in the public eye,” she added. "I think maybe saying what she said is coming out of a defensive place."

"When things could be a lot more simple and understandable and relatable if you just are honest about what you have and why you have what you have."