King Charles told Queen 'I'm not a bank' over Prince Harry's cash requests

King Charles III did not want to give Prince Harry more money after marriage

Web Desk

King Charles had allegedly stopped taking Prince Harry's calls as Megxit drew closer.

The monarch was fed up by his youngest son asking money during every interaction. At the time, Queen Elizabeth II intervened to sort out the tensions.

When Her Majesty inquired why Charles was not taking phone calls from Harry, the new King replied: “Because I am not a bank.”

“The late Queen was always happy to speak with Harry but when he asked for money she said, ‘Why don’t you speak to your father?’ Harry told her that Charles wasn’t taking his calls any more,” said The Sun insider.

“Charles insisted that his son must email him instead. Members of the ­family, including William, had stopped speaking to Harry when they learned of his book deal, fearing what they said could end up in print.

“Harry is not as well off as people are led to believe. He was wanting money. When the Queen asked Charles what he was doing about it because she was fielding so many calls, he told her, ‘I’m not a bank’.”