Thousands of women attempt aptitude test for free IT courses in Karachi

Upon selection, women will be able to avail courses in web development, web designing, and other tech skills

Web Desk
Female students appear for an aptitude test for IT courses in Karachi at the Bagh-e-Jinnah Ground on December 4, 2022. — Al-Khidmat
Female students appear for an aptitude test for IT courses in Karachi at the Bagh-e-Jinnah Ground on December 4, 2022. — Al-Khidmat

Thousands of female students Sunday appeared in an aptitude test for the "Bano Qabil" programme launched by welfare organisation Al-Khidmat, aimed at increasing the pool of talent in the field of information technology by offering skill-based training, scholarships, and advanced programs for youth.

For the aptitude test, held in Karachi's Bagh-e-Jinnah Ground, participants appeared for courses in web development and web designing, among other technological skills. Students, selected after this test, will be able to avail free courses through the programme.

Also present at the occasion, Jamaat-e-Islami's Karachi chief Engineer Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman announced to launch e-commerce and vocational training programmes for housewives in the city, and also made an announcement about scholarships for all successful female students under the programme's banner.

Rehman said that the programme was aimed at women's empowerment in a genuine sense and was not merely limited to claims. He deemed the initiative as a serious contribution to the cause.

During his address at the occasion, the JI leader vowed to establish an IT university in Karachi if elected as the city's mayor. He hoped to turn the metropolitan into a leading IT city not only in Pakistan but across the region.

"Even though the country's IT minister is from Karachi, there is no such university in the city, unfortunately. The IT park — to be completed in 2026 — was only inaugurated after criticism received following 'Bano Qabil' programme," he said.

Speaking on the significance of the test, Rehman said that the test would provide a foundation for Karachi's youth to excel in the field of IT.

"The program will enable Karachi's youth to become an asset for their families, their city and their country," he said.

Rehman added also said that his party will offer IT education in around 800 public schools, being run by the Karachi Municipal Corporation (KMC) and ensure educational scholarships for the city's youth.

Highlighting the state of public sector education in the city, the JI leader claimed that 24 public sector colleges in Sindh showed 0% success rate in the recent intermediate results for pre-engineering.

He added that even though Sindh's education budget was Rs326 billion, the state of education in the province remains in shambles.

"There are only two public sector universities, there is acute shortage of colleges, there is no transport facility for students of public sector colleges, and very slim opportunities for youth after graduation," Rehman lamented.