Paris Jackson talks about the wholesome lessons she learnt from dad Michael Jackson

Paris Jackson reveals how Michael Jackson kept his kids grounded despite lavish lifestyle

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Paris Jackson talks about the wholesome lessons she learnt from dad Michael Jackson
Paris Jackson talks about the wholesome lessons she learnt from dad Michael Jackson   

Paris Jackson revealed how her pop star father Michael Jackson kept his kids grounded despite lavish lifestyle.

The American Horror Stories star revealed that the King of Pop taught her and her brothers, Prince Michael and Bigi, to earn things instead of just buying them.

“Growing up, it was about earning stuff,” Paris spoke of her childhood as per OK! Magazine. “If we wanted five toys from FAO Schwarz or Toys R Us, we had to read five books. It’s earning it.”

“It’s earning it, not just being entitled to certain things or thinking, Oh, I got this,” she added. “It’s working hard for [something] … it’s an accomplishment.”

Paris said that this habit of “earning” things did her the biggest favour as she is not afraid to work hard now to launch her own career. “I go to auditions, I study hard. I do my thing,” she shared.

“My dad was really good about making sure we were cultured, making sure we were educated,” she said, “and not just showing us the glitz and glam, like hotel hopping, five-star places.”

The Thriller hitmaker kept his kids grounded by taking them on world tours and not just to developed nations. “We saw everything. We saw Third World countries. We saw every part of the spectrum,” she revealed.

Talking about their shared interests, Paris said that Michael “loved classical music and jazz and hip-hop and R&B and obviously the Motown stuff.”

“So we grew up around all of that, and I feel like all of that somehow influences my stuff,” she shared.