7 ways to get rid of a cold fast

Although there is currently no treatment for common cold, by trying a few things, you may be able to shorten its duration

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Woman Lying on Bed While Blowing Her Nose.— Pexels
Woman Lying on Bed While Blowing Her Nose.— Pexels

Although there is currently no treatment for the common cold, by trying certain promising supplements and engaging in appropriate self-care, you may be able to reduce the duration of the illness.

Here is a list of treatments that have been shown to shorten the length of colds:

1. Rest

When you have a cold, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that you obtain more sleep.

It is usually preferable to take it easy for a few days rather than trying to strengthen your immune system through exercise. 

In fact, if you don't get enough sleep every night, you could be making yourself more vulnerable to colds.

2. Don't underestimate liquids

When trying to recover from a cold, it is usually a good idea to drink enough fluids. You can stay hydrated by drinking hot tea, water, chicken soup, and other liquids, especially if you have a fever. 

They may also help you breathe easier by clearing out congestion in your chest and nasal passages.

However, stay away from caffeine and alcohol as they might dehydrate you and prevent you from getting the sleep and rest you desperately need.

3. Vitamin C

Taking a vitamin C pill is unlikely to stop a cold from happening. Studies suggest that it might shorten the length of colds, nevertheless. According to a 2013 review of research, frequent supplementation (between 1 and 2 grammes per day) decreased the length of a cold in adults by 8% and in kids by 14%. It also lessened how bad colds were on average.

Men should consume 90 mg of vitamin C per day, while non-pregnant women should consume 75 mg.

4. Honey

Try honey, one of the most popular and oldest treatments for cold symptoms, if your child is having difficulties sleeping well. A 2012 study found that giving kids a teaspoon of honey before bed can improve their sleep and lessen nighttime coughing. It might also ease sore throats.

5. Zinc

Although nearly three decades of study on colds and zinc have produced conflicting findings, a 2017 analysis of studies suggested that zinc lozenges might help you recover from a cold more quickly than you would without them. The average length of the cold was reduced by 33%, which could imply relief for at least a few days sooner.

6. Beetroot juice

An investigation conducted in 2019 followed 76 students who were susceptible to colds during the stressful final test period. Seven times a day, a tiny amount of beet juice was consumed by individuals who experienced fewer cold symptoms than those who did not. 

Beetroot juice enhances the body's production of nitric oxide since it contains a lot of dietary nitrates, which might help shield you against respiratory infections.

7. Over-the-counter medicines

Coughing, sneezing, runny nose, congestion, sore throat, and headache are common cold symptoms that can make it difficult to function during the day and to get enough sleep at night.

Even if the viral infection persists, decongestants, painkillers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, cough suppressants, and antihistamines help treat symptoms so you feel better sooner. In the case of children, first, consult a paediatrician.