Prince Harry breaks down Queen Elizabeth’s role in Megxit

Prince Harry sheds light on the role Queen played in Megxit and whether he blames her for what happened to Meghan Markle

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Prince Harry has finally broken his silence over the role Queen Elizabeth played in his Megxit talks and whether he blames her for what ever happened to Meghan Markle.

The Duke of Sussex began talks by setting the record straight and admitted he bares no grudge with Queen Elizabeth.

Especially since “You have to understand from a family perspective, especially hers, there are ways of doing things and her ultimate mission slash responsibility is the institution.”

“People around her are telling her, 'by the way, that proposal or these two doing XYZ is doing to be seen as an attack on the institution' so she is going to go on the advice that she's given.”

Following those talks a statement was also released that reaffirmed the couple’s fears.

Prince Harry recalls, “That day, a story came out that part of the reason why Meghan and I were leaving was because William had bullied us out.”

“And once I got in the car after the meeting, I was told about a joint statement that had been put out in my name and my brother's name squashing the story about him bullying us out of the family.”

“I couldn't believe it. No one had asked me permission to put my name to a statement like that.”

“I rang M and I told her and she burst into floods of tears because within four hours they were happy to lie to protect my brother and yet for three years, they were never willing to tell the truth to protect us.”