Christine McGuinness wants a low-key Christmas celebration after split from Paddy

The couple share nine-year-old twins Penelope and Leo, and daughter Felicity, six

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Christine McGuinness wants a low-key Christmas celebration after split from Paddy
Christine McGuinness wants a low-key Christmas celebration after split from Paddy

After a heartbreaking split, Christine McGuinness wants a low-key Christmas celebration as she shared a cheerful Christmas message on her Instagram.

The 34-year-old has faced a tough year after announcing she and her husband Paddy McGuinness were separating in July, 11 years after they tied the knot. However, the family including their three kids will spend Christmas altogether this year.

The couple share nine-year-old twins Penelope and Leo, and daughter Felicity, six. Despite their split, the pair continue to co-parent and live in their shared home to look after their three kids.

Despite describing her breakup as "heartbreaking", Christine has said it won't dampen her Christmas as she wishes for "three, happy children".

In her Instagram video, which highlights her latest interview in OK! Magazine, Christine captioned the Christmas message: "Wishing you all a happy, healthy, calm Christmas".

Speaking to the camera she said: “I'm hoping for a nice quiet Christmas this year with the children. Lots of presents, the Christmas tree or maybe a bit of music on, just nice and quiet at home.

"I haven't been shopping at all for anyone's presents. Never mind the children, I haven't got my mum's, I haven't got my brothers or sisters, or anything for myself! I leave everything to the last minute, but I'll get it done. It's fine, I've got faith in myself."

In her interview with OK, Christine also opened up about her marriage breakdown as she described the separation: "It’s been heart breaking at times, but it’s been a while now. We separated quite early on in the year, but didn’t say anything publicly until around summertime.

"We’ve dealt with the hardest bits in private, which I’m glad about. You’ve just got to keep moving forward, keep smiling and focusing on all the positives. I really believe life is good and I’m very blessed."