Celebrity chef Jason Atherton caught up in fistfight to defend daughter from group of harassers

Jason Atherton, British Michelin-starred celebrity chef, was attacked after defending his teenage daughter from thugs

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Celebrity chef Jason Atherton caught up in fistfight to defend daughter from group of harassers

Jason Atherton, the British Michelin-starred celebrity chef, was reportedly attacked by the thugs in a bar in the Philippines.

The celebrity chef reportedly took on thugs in Philippines bar who were 'harassing his daughter.

Local officials lauded the chef for his action and condemned bar security for 'ganging up' on Atherton, while bar staff claimed the chef started the brawl.

The 51-year-old was dining at the F Cafe and Bar in Cebu province with his family when his 17-year-old daughter complained that a group of men harassed her outside the restroom.

The award-winning chef reportedly confronted them and asked them to apologise. But the confrontation quickly turned violent and a mass brawl ensued, while shocking footage showed fists flying and bargoers being stomped on the ground.