Harry and Meghan say Queen invited them to tea and then said, 'I'm busy all week'

Harry and Meghan say Queen invited them to tea and then said, 'I'm busy all week'

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Harry and Meghan say Queen invited them to tea and then said, Im busy all week

Prince Harry said he was not allowed to meet Queen Elizabeth despite his grandmother inviting him to tea upon his return to London in January 202O.

In the fifth episode of his Netflix documentary, Harry said, "Before we left (to Canada) I spoke to my grandmother as well and told her we are coming back on the 6th,and I would love to come and drive up and come to see you."

Harry said, "She knew that we were findings things hard.I'd spoken to her many times about it. She told me she had no plans for the week she said, 'well, why don't you come up? You can have tea but why don't you stay the night you and Meghan."

Meghan Markle added: "So we're flying back from Vancouver straight to Heathrow. And right as we are getting on the plane and this urgent, urgent message comes through to Harry saying "You are not allowed to go and see her Majesty. 'Make sure that your principle is aware that you cannot go and see her.' she is busy she has plans all week.'"

Harry said, "And I was like " that's certainly the opposite to what she had told me.Once we were back in the UK, I rang her and said, 'I am now told that you ars busy.'"

The Duke of Sussex said, "She goes, 'Yes I didn't know that I was busy. I have been told I am busy'. I have been told I am busy all week. I was like "wow".