Prince Harry says security was willing to 'knock me out' if I got tattoo

Prince Harry tattoo request was rejected by his security officer, he reveals

Web Desk

Prince Harry recalls how he was stopped by his security to get a bizarre tattoo in Las Vegas.

Harry reveals he had too much to drink during the trip as he kept texting Meghan Markle to “reassure her” that he was doing okay.

He writes in book 'Spare': “By the time the sun was dipping over the mountains, I was in rough shape and filling up with . . . ideas.

“I need something to commemorate this trip, I decided – something to symbolize my sense of freedom, my sense of carpe diem.”

So Harry decided he would get a tattoo on his foot. The Duke recalls his security officer's reaction.

“He smiled."

“'No way," he said. “My mates backed him up: 'Absolutely not'.

“In fact, they promised to physically stop me.

“I was not going to get a tattoo, they said, not on their watch, least of all a foot tattoo of Botswana.

“They promised to hold me down, known me out, whatever it took.”