'Man baby' Prince Harry blames media for his kills in Afghanistan: Expert

Prince Harry is called out for blaming media to report his words

Web Desk

Prince Harry has been branded spoilt as he accuses media of reporting his Taliban kills in Afghanistan.

Royal expert Dan Wootton tells Megyn Kelly how the Duke of Sussex is losing his credibility with book titled 'Spare.'

Wootton said: "Always the fault of the media, isn't it Megyn? We are seeing this more and more with Harry and Meghan. They never take responsibility. Even for their own words."

Wootton claimed: "Now that there has been a significant backlash to these comments from Harry about the 25 members of the Taliban who he claims that he killed when in service there as part of the British Army. All of a sudden it is the fault of the British media for reporting his exact words. This is a man-baby who isn't even able to claim credit for own words."

This comes after Prince Harry told Stephen Colbert: "The most dangerous lie that they have told is that I somehow boasted about the number of people that I killed in Afghanistan."