Bryan Cranston hints at retirement as Walter White in Breaking Bad

Bryan Cranston may appear for the last time in Breaking Bad, details inside

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Bryan Cranston hints at retirement as Walter White in Breaking Bad
Bryan Cranston hints at retirement as Walter White in Breaking Bad

Bryan Cranston has recently hinted at leaving Breaking Bad series.

In a new interview with Extra, Bryan, who returned as Walter in several spin-off projects, said, “I’ve had opportunities to bring Walter White into the milieu.”

He continued, “I did it for Aaron’s movie El Camino and then once again for Better Call Saul.”

“We were able to come back and each time, we think, ‘Well, this is the last time we’re ever going to do this and then PopCorners calls and it was like, ‘Well, we’ll do it one more time,” explained Bryan.

However, the actor added, “This might be the retiring episode of the Breaking Bad universe.”

Meanwhile, Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan is reportedly working on a new show away from the series.