Meghan Markle looks ‘more comfortable’ without Prince Harry

Meghan Markle reportedly looks ‘more comfortable’ whenever she’s away from the presence of Prince Harry

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A body language expert has observed Meghan Markle’s stark differences anytime she’s away from Prince Harry.

Body language and behavioural expert Darren Stanton brought these claims to light.

The observation was made referencing her interview with Variety, as well as the behind-the-scenes footage that was later released.

According to Express UK he said, “Meghan is quite tactile and not afraid to show her emotions. In psychology, we would refer to Meghan as being very kinaesthetic. This means she is able to respond through gut instinct.”

“She comes over 100 percent confident in herself throughout the interview. As Meghan was previously an actress with many professional accolades under her belt, she’s used to being on set and in front of the camera.”

“It’s almost like she is able to turn on the charm for the interviewer” and looks to be “extremely comfortable” being away from the presence of the Duke of Sussex.

“During the photoshoot segments, I noticed Meghan putting her hands on her hips,” the expert also noted.

“This is a classic power gesture that people in certain positions are taught, such as celebrities, politicians and CEOs. The theory is the more space we occupy as a human, the more powerful we will be perceived.”