Can Prince Harry, Meghan Markle really ‘fit King Charles into their schedule’?

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle warned the Coronation isn’t the place for ‘self-advertisement of cringing victimhood’

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Experts believe ‘there's no doubt that many will have been hoping’ Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ‘stay put in America’.

Royal commentator and author A.N. Wilson brought these warnings and insights to light.

According to the DailyMail, the writer started by saying, “Their admirers will be pleased that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been able to fit this event into their fashionable Californian schedule.”

“And while many of the King's subjects will share my own distaste for the way they have behaved since quitting the Royal Family, most people in Britain will be keeping their fingers crossed and hoping that this dire pair will not spoil a day of national rejoicing.”

“There's no doubt that many will have been hoping that they would stay put in America.”

“After all, the couple have spent the last three years rubbishing not only Harry's nearest and dearest but the very idea of Royalty.”

“They have claimed that the Press – which in fact greeted their union with rapture, and made Meghan into a heroine – has been consistently sneering at them.”

“And in a terrible mixture of crowing self-advertisement and cringing victimhood, they have attacked Britain and its royal heritage.”