Prince William ‘needs more empathy’ for little brother Prince Harry

Prince William has just come under fire for ‘lacking’ the appropriate amount of sympathy to Prince Harry

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Prince William has just been bashed for lacking the appropriate levels of empathy towards Prince Harry and his trauma.

Royal commentator and expert Alexander Larman issued these claims.

The admissions were shared during a chat with Us Weekly.

There, he claimed, “To publish a book like Spare with that level of attack on your family is essentially ending any kind of relationship you’re ever going to have.”

Mr Larman however, also believes the Royal Family wound up ‘fumbling’ over the Duke’s story and thus, shifts the blame on Prince William.

“I think that William should’ve given an interview in which he extended the hand of brotherhood. He should’ve said, ‘We’re all very concerned about him. We understand that he had the most awful traumatic shock when his mother died so young. We know life has been hard for him’.”