'Barry' star teases spinoff

Anthony Carrigan's character in 'Barry' is fans' favourite

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Barry star teases spinoff
'Barry' star teases spinoff 

Anthony Carrigan makes his wish public about his character's NoHo Hank spinoff after HBO's dark comedy-drama Barry ends.

"In subtle ways, I've dropped the hint, like, 'You know, HBO is saying that this character is a fan favorite. What do you think about that, Bill?'" Carrigan told IGN.

"But honestly, I trust Bill's insight on it because this show is so closely his vision, and that's the only way I would do it — if Bill were at the helm."

On whether exploring the Chechen mobster's origin story or post-Barry life, the 40-year-old said, "The origin story sounds pretty rad. I mean, just from Chechnya to Los Angeles, that could work really well for something."

Further, the show's co-creator Hader teased going Breaking Bad model.

"I don't know if we'll go the Better Call Saul route," co-creator Hader said. "I mean, I never say never to things. But today, no."