Kim Kardashian takes credit for Donald Trump prison reform

Kim Kardashian advocated for an inmate to then-president Donald Trump in 2018

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Kim Kardashian takes credit for Donald Trump prison reform

Kim Kardashian claimed that through her advocacy, she influenced Donald Trump to reform criminal justice.

Speaking on CNN’s Poppy Harlow at the TIME 100 Summit in New York, the law aspirant opened up about her efforts for jailed Alice Marie Johnson's release when she met then-president Trump in 2018.

The reality star believed she made the then-71-year-old realize the prisoners’ hardships as “he started to hear these stories instead of just hearing the cases.”

“He went in being so pro-death penalty, and really hard on crime, to opening up his heart and realizing that so many people are inside that don’t deserve to be and have completely rehabilitated themselves,” Kardashian explained.

The mother-of-four maintained Trump’s softened stance to sign the First Step Act in 2018 was because of her.

Adding, “Almost 30,000 people have been let out because of the storytelling of one woman that changed his mind.”

“I think that’s what my role is, to really explain what people have been through, to hopefully change the bigger picture,” she said.