Press Secretary Jean-Pierre calls Biden's notes 'entirely normal'

White House says it is standard practice for president to be briefed on potential questions and issues that may come up during a press conference

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Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre addressing a press briefing on April 28, 2023. Screengrab of a YouTube video.
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre addressing a press briefing on April 28, 2023. Screengrab of a YouTube video.

The White House has come to the defense of President Joe Biden after he was caught on camera holding what appeared to be a "cheat sheet" of a reporter's question during a press conference with South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol the previous day. 

During the White House press briefing on Thursday, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that it was "entirely normal" for a president to be briefed on reporters who will be asking questions at a press conference and issues that may come up.

A photographer at the joint press conference pointed out an image of Biden's notes that indicated he would receive a question from Los Angeles Times journalist Courtney Subramanian on domestic manufacturing, which he did. The issue was brought up the following day during the press briefing when Fox News’ Jacqui Heinrich asked Jean-Pierre to explain how the pocket card ended up in Biden's possession and why he needed it.

Jean-Pierre clarified that it was not surprising to anticipate questions that Biden did receive on the visit with the South Korean president or about 2024, as these were expected topics. 

"So, just to — just to step back, and I’m actually glad you asked that question. Clearly, I would let the reporter for Los Angeles Times speak for herself. It is entirely normal for a president to be briefed on reporters who will be asking questions at a press conference and issues that we expect they might ask about. It is not surprising that yesterday we would anticipate questions that he did receive on the visit with the South Korean president, as South Korean president was sitting — standing to his — to his right, or about 2024, that was completely expected," Jean-Pierre answered.

She also emphasised that they do not have specific questions in advance, but the White House reaches out to reporters prior to press conferences regarding possible discussion topics.

"And, let’s not forget, we do these briefings every day. And a lot of the questions that you — that you all tell me, that’s how we brief him as well. You all ask me, that’s how we brief him as well. So, look, we do not have specific questions in advance. That’s not something that we do," she noted. 

Heinrich further inquired whether the president had other questions prepared with similar talking points, to which Jean-Pierre interrupted and explained that they cover an array of topics during their briefings with the president. She reiterated that they do their best to make sure the president is ready to communicate with the American people.

Jean-Pierre also emphasized that it is entirely normal for a president to be briefed on potential questions from reporters and issues that may come up during a press conference. The White House does its best to anticipate and prepare for these questions, ensuring that the president is equipped to answer them.

Overall, the White House defended Biden's use of the notes, stating that it is standard practice for the president to be briefed on potential questions and issues that may come up during a press conference. They emphasized that they do not have specific questions in advance but reach out to reporters prior to the event regarding possible discussion topics.