Four men killed over racing pigeon dispute in Portugal

The shooting took place in the city of Setubal, around 50 km (30 miles) south of the capital, Lisbon

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A Thai district chief is trying to cut down on the pigeon population by paying residents to trap the birds and organising a cook-off to build support for the cull. —AFP
A Thai district chief is trying to cut down on the pigeon population by paying residents to trap the birds and organising a cook-off to build support for the cull. —AFP

Three men were shot dead by a man in Portugal who killed himself too in a reported feud related to the breeding of racing pigeons.

The shooting occurred in Setubal, around 50 km (30 miles) south of the capital, Lisbon.

Local media reports that the feud was related to an illegal vegetable garden and homing pigeons.

The victims reportedly participated in a pigeon racing competition when killed.

CNN Portugal reported that the 66-year-old suspect killed himself when police arrived Sunday morning.

Setubal police commissioner Andreia Gonçalves described the deaths as "an isolated situation" related to an unresolved matter between the men.

A source in the Judiciary Police told the Publico news site that the disagreement related to the breeding of the pigeons.

The identities of the suspect and victims have not yet been revealed. The gunman reportedly lived in a tent in Setubal.

A police investigation is underway.

Portugal has restrictive gun laws but firearms are legal for hunting.