Meghan Markle could’ve ‘flown the flag’ but she’s ‘so fame-hungry’

Meghan Markle has been bashed for using the world’s racism to make her mark, in a ‘fame-hungry way’

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Meghan Markle could’ve ‘flown the flag’ but she’s ‘so fame-hungry’
Meghan Markle could’ve ‘flown the flag’ but she’s ‘so fame-hungry’

Experts have branded Meghan Markle too fame-hungry’ like she’s a ‘reality star or a politician’.

Ex-Page Six icon, I'm A Celeb star Nicola McLean, issued these claims and admissions about Meghan Markle’s motivations.

In an interview with the Daily Star, McLean said, “I think Meghan could've changed the world, with racism, institutionalized racism, she could have flown the flag so well but instead, it hasn't materialised like that because she has gone about it in a fame-hungry way, as if they were a reality star or a politician.”

“She should have been like Michelle Obama and done some real good for everybody and herself. but the way they've gone about it really hard to defend them because they've behaved so bizarrely.”

“By saying they want to leave the royal family because they want to leave the limelight, it's not honest, because they've done books and a Netflix series. they should have been honest and said 'I don't feel safe, and we have been treated appallingly by my family, and my wife's mental health is more important.'”

“And say 'We will be doing a book, Netflix, etc,' then people would be like 'Right, fair play' but it is the way they said they've left for privacy and then they're more in the public eye than anyone in the royal family.”

“But yes they were treated appallingly, and of course, the country was racist towards Meghan. If anyone tells me she wasn't treated badly because she wasn't white, they're lying, and if you can't see racism it's because you've never experienced it or you're not intelligent enough to educate yourself about it.”

“I am more team Meghan and Harry but I do feel like it's such a shame they didn't go about it savvier.”