Melissa McCarthy worked for 'nutty' person who made her 'physically ill'

Melissa McCarthy talks about awful working experience with a person

Web Desk

Melissa McCarthy admits she once suffered professionally and personally after working with a person.

The actress, who is currently promoting the live-action remake of Disney's beloved 'The Little Mermaid,' is touching upon the time she became physically ill due to the problems on the set of another movie.

"I did work for someone once who ran such a volatile, hostile set that it made me physically ill. My eyes were swelling up, I was absorbing all of this nuttiness," she said.

She commented about the situation: "Then one day, I was like, 'It stops today!' I just kept saying to them, 'it stops, it stops'. And I know now I'll never keep quiet again."

She then went on to explain how the 'screamers' with 'crazy egos' made the working environment toxic.

Melissa then suggested that she wants to see kindness on set and wants  "everyone get to have an opinion" and "everyone is really nice".

Speaking about her experience on the Little Mermaid, Melissa however added: “We were so astounded and grateful at getting to build our own little worlds, we were like, ‘We have to build the one we’ve always talked about, where everybody gets to have an opinion and everyone is really nice. It’s going to run a lot better with no screamers or crazy egos bumbling around. Why would we risk destroying that?'”