Power consumers to pay Re0.79 per unit more as March FCA

Charges will be reflected in electricity bills for May

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A Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (Fesco) worker removes faults from an electricity line on December 19, 2022. — APP
A Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (Fesco) worker removes faults from an electricity line on December 19, 2022. — APP

  • The amount will be recovered from power consumers in May.
  • The adjustment will be shown separately in consumers' bills.
  • Charges applicable on all categories except lifeline and EVCS.

ISLAMABAD: Power consumers, who are already overburdened by soaring inflation and high fuel and electricity costs, will now have to pay Re0.79 per unit more in the month of May.

According to a notification issued by the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) Thursday, the additional amount is being levied in lieu of fuel cost adjustment (FCA) charges for March.

The charges would be applicable to all consumer categories except electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS) and lifeline consumers, the notification stated.

"The said adjustment will be shown separately in the consumers' bills on the basis of units billed to the consumers in the month of March 2023," it added.

In March, Nepra allowed power distribution companies (Discos) and K-Electric to recover deferred fuel adjustment surcharges up to Rs14.24 per unit from consumers in eight months.

According to the Nepra decision, discos will recover Rs10.34 per unit from domestic protected consumers using 0-200 units per month, Rs14.24 per unit from non-protected consumers using 0-200 units, Rs14.24 per unit from those consuming 201-300 units per month, and Rs9.90 per unit from private agricultural consumers.

The entire amount would be recovered from the electricity consumers in monthly instalments from March to October 2023.

In its decision, the authority also allowed K-Electric to recover the deferred fuel adjustment surcharge from the consumers up to Rs 13.87 per unit.

K-Electric will recover Rs9.97/unit from domestic protected consumers using 0-200 units per month, Rs13.87 per unit from non-protected consumers using 0-200 units, Rs13.87 per unit from those consuming 201-300 units per month, and Rs9.90 per unit from private agricultural consumers. The private lender will also recover the amount from March to October 2023.