Meghan Markle ‘symbolizes the epitome of moral superiority’

Meghan Markle allegedly stands at the cusp of those ‘woke Californian’s’ that show off their ‘moral superiority’

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Meghan Markle ‘symbolizes the epitome of moral superiority’
Meghan Markle ‘symbolizes the epitome of moral superiority’

Meghan Markle has just come under fire for becoming the epitome moral superiority for those who stand in contrast to the day-to-day person’s struggle.

Film and TV producer, Erbil Gunasti, issued these claims.

He dished over everything regarding the Duchess of Sussex, right alongside GB News.

He started the converastion off by noting how “Until the turn of the century, American film stars and Hollywood A-listers were in huge demand, revered across the world as hard-working, icons to universally admire and respect.”

But “as California retreated into its own weighty shadow the underprivileged and disadvantaged in the real world suffered as it became an iniquitous magnet for woke, self-obsessed ‘celebrities’.”

“This is America degenerating in front of our eyes – the ‘haves’ lording their moral superiority over a 'have not' populace that is struggling to put food on the table - and Meghan Markle symbolises it more than anyone.”