Ryan Reynolds mourns the demise of Wrexham fan whose last wish was to meet him

Ryan Reynolds met the terminally ill Wrexham fan in April

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Ryan Reynolds met the terminally ill Wrexham fan in April
Ryan Reynolds met the terminally ill Wrexham fan in April

Ryan Reynolds took to Instagram on Thursday to express his grief over the death of Jay Fear, the Wrexham fan whose last wish was to meet the actor.

Reynolds, 46, shared a series of Instagram stories expressing his thoughts. In his first post, he wrote, "Rip Jay Fear. One of the bravest, kindest, and most generous people I've ever met,”

The Deadpool star also had a message for Fear’s two children, Sam and Jess, "Thank you for sharing your dad with me”.

Reynolds went on to address the family of the superfan, "I know how inadequate words must be given your enormous loss. Sending you all our love from my family, Wrexham, and beyond. I loved every second I spent with Jay”.

Wrexham superfan Jay Fear had terminal appendix cancer and his dying wish was to meet Hollywood star Ryan Reynolds. Fear got to meet Reynolds in April at Wrexham’s Racecourse Stadium, reported BBC.

Following their 20-minute meeting, Reynolds told BBC, "It was amazing to meet Jay. He is an exceptional person and his family is wonderful."

Talking about the meeting with his idol, Fear had said, "They always say you should never meet your idol and this guy is definitely an exception to that. He made me feel welcome and spent time with [my] wife and kids as well."

Fear added that the meeting was more for his family than him, as they would be the ones left with the memories.

"I just hope this is a core memory that they'll never forget,” he added.