King Charles has ‘liberated’ Prince Harry from the ‘royal yoke’

King Charles’ decision to ‘cut the duke and duchess loose’ from the ‘royal yoke’ appears to have ‘backfired’

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King Charles has ‘liberated’ Prince Harry from the ‘royal yoke’
King Charles has ‘liberated’ Prince Harry from the ‘royal yoke’

King Charles has reportedly ended up ‘liberating’ Prince Harry from the family he ‘left for good’

Royal commentator Daniela Elser has brought these insights and warnings to light.

According to “Now, after having essentially cut the duke and duchess loose and, along with his Mummy, having denuded them of their HRHs, then proceeded to boot them out of their UK home, Charles no longer has any real leverage.”

While Ms Elser admits “The loss of those three words may have been something of a blow to just how marketable a prospect the Sussexes might be, but it has also liberated Harry from the royal yoke and the conventions that governed the first 35 years of his life.”