Ronaldo reveals meaning behind 'siuuu' celebration

Ronaldo performed this celebration first time in 2013 when he scored a goal for Real Madrid against Chelsea in UEFA Champions League

Sports Desk
Al-Nassrs forward Cristiano Ronaldo. — Instagram/@cristiano
Al-Nassr's forward Cristiano Ronaldo. — Instagram/@cristiano

Al-Nassr's forward Cristiano Ronaldo, who has one of the biggest fan following worldwide in the world of football, revealed the meaning behind his iconic "siuuu" celebration. 

The first time the football star performed this celebration was back in 2013 when he scored a goal for Real Madrid against Chelsea in the UEFA Champions League, Indian Express reported. 

The five-time Ballon d'Or winner has since then celebrated his goals and wins in this way which became an important part of his game. Not just that, but many other players and followers imitated the same celebration. 

Just as simple as it is, the "siu" celebration is iconic among footballers. Ronaldo, when he celebrates this, runs towards the goal, jumps into the air, does a mid-air pirouette and shouts "si" when landing — which is a Spanish word for "yes". 

Speaking during a chat with LiveScore, Ronaldo said: “It seems to have grown into its own global phenomenon – and I love when I see other players doing it, or people send me videos of people in other sports doing it or little kids doing it – it’s great. It means yes – very simple but meaning it strongly!”

He said that the celebration was not planned as it came out naturally, adding that he likes it when fans associate him with it. The celebration expresses a feeling of delight when scoring a goal.

He also spoke about it earlier where he said: “I started to say ‘si’, it’s like ‘yes’, when I was in Real Madrid. I was in the USA and we played against Chelsea and I don’t know where this is coming from, the celebration." 

"I just scored the goal and it just came out. It was just natural, to be honest. Since that, I started to do it more often and I feel like the supporters and the fans see it and they’re like ‘Cristiano, siiiiiiuuuu’. I’m like ‘wow! People are reminded of me because of it!’ So it’s good, and I’ll continue doing it like that.”